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Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Word from the Author

Lia Scott Priceʼs
Serial Killer and Vampire Guardian Angels™ 
A Word from the Author
Copyright Lia Scott Price

Do You Know What You're Praying To?

As a horror novelist and film producer, I know the difference between fiction and reality. What I write about is often based on real experience, but put into a fantasy situation that could never possibly happen, at least logically. To me, itʼs just all entertainment. I never invite anything or anyone negative into my life. In general, I stay away from “bad” things and influences. However, as I delve more into the supernatural, I have come to experience certain things that have crossed the line over from fiction into reality. In my books, films and upcoming comic book I explore how Guardian Angels can actually be evil entities. Negative and demonic entities are a big influence in my writing. Even though this is fiction, I believe they do exist.

More commonly known as demonic entities, these beings can disguise themselves as Angelic beings that pretend to help people, but instead they harm people. People tend to be so trusting and so dependent on a higher power to help them with their problems that they invoke entities that they believe will and should help them without knowing what that entity really is. We are so programmed to nag, beg, and total depend on angels to rescue us. We feel we are "entitled" to their help.

What is a Guardian Angel anyway? According to popular belief, a guardian angel is an angel assigned by God to guide and watch over a person and protect them from harm, and who answers prayers in time of great need by becoming intermediaries between God and man. But they are also executors of God's wrath as depicted in many Bible verses. What is even more disturbing is that Angels are capable of having free will and of rebelling, as Satan, once an angel, did. In the Bible, angels were sent to destroy man. They were killers. They were judge, jury, and executioner.  And maybe they still are.

These are entities that are supernatural, paranormal, and supposedly all-powerful. Popular culture depicts angels as holy and glorious, with white wings and halos, but in reality, no one really knows what they look like or even what they are. You know the phrase "Be careful what you pray for?" When you pray to any being, you really don't know who or what you are invoking. What do I hear people say when they pray? "I'll do anything if you help me!" People are so desperate that they are willing to bargain with these unseen entities. So basically, you are telling an entity that you've never seen that you will do anything? It's an invitation to trouble.

Demonic entities come in all forms, and taking the form of an angel is one way they can take advantage of desperate and vulnerable humans. Or, Angels that rebel and are tired of catering to humans can cause harm to us instead of help us.

Through our desperate pleas, we naively invite and invoke entities that can potentially harm us, even if we believe they are good. We choose who we let into our lives. Therefore, if we are negative, we attract negative entities that mimic angels. Our prayers of despair are like a beacon to them. It tells the entity "Here is someone I can take advantage of." Demonic entities can manipulate humans to do disturbing things to themselves because they feed off negative energy. In addition to making humans angry, depressed, or fearful, they can psychologically convince people to commit suicide or  even commit homicide. They can use our own negative emotions against us.

In my stories, Guardian Angels are disillusioned, angry, jealous and homicidal entities who have grown to resent humans and are tired of their "jobs". They are sick of listening to desperate prayers and choose to get rid of whining humans instead of helping them. Think of an entire customer service complaint department that goes ballistic because of nonstop complaints. Ever get so tired of someone coming to you constantly, asking for help, that to them you become some sort of savior/therapist? There are so many people who are praying to them, expecting them to rescue them from their troubles. Too many prayers can become overwhelming and there are too many annoying people crying out for help, so guardian angels in my stories take matters into their own hands. They decide to do some mercy killing. They target those people in despair and end their lives for them. They can appear in human form or enter your mind and act helpful, sympathetic and charming. They can convince you to do anything, whether harming others or yourself, much like any negative entity can when you are vulnerable emotionally and psychologically. You become a target for negative and demonic entities because they thrive on negative emotions.

One rather controversial belief that I have that I also explore in my novels is that churches and religious statues, angel statues in particular, harbor negative entities. I always wondered why people would kneel before a statue and pour so much negative energy into an inanimate object. I believe that even statues of Saints can be possessed with negative energy because of all the desperation and despair they absorb. Why? Because people direct feelings of resignation, sadness, helplessness, and desperation into these objects, and these objects become possessed by negative energy, and the energy passes on to the next person who prays before it. Evil and negative entities can hide in objects, even if they are seen as "holy". Supposedly "holy" objects don't repel them if these objects have been in a negative environment and were constantly absorbing negative energies from people. And these objects will be passed on from generation to generation, ensuring the continuation of that negative energy.

There is a dark side to every belief, and why should we not question these beliefs? Because these beliefs may be clues to how negative and demonic entities possess us, where we don't expect to find them, and what we don't expect them to infest.

The study of negative and demonic entities in the paranormal field are a big influence in my fiction writing, but these entities are also something I strongly believe in and which I have had personal experiences with. I guess there is some sort of message my books have regarding our belief in any supernatural being, and that is that we can be possessed, controlled and taken advantage of by entities that we pray to or invoke that can use our own negative emotions against us. So, try not to pray in desperation to something you don't really fully know.

Lia Scott Priceʼs  The Serial Killer and Vampire Guardian Angel™ Diaries

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