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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stuck with You


Copyright Lia Scott Price

Stuck with You

What we Guardian Angels absolutely hate is that arrogant sense of entitlement you humans demand. You want to be compensated for all the troubles you have "from the Man upstairs". You believe that we Guardian Angels were created solely to help you, to keep you "safe".

You pray to us with your self-righteous demands, that "I-pray-more-than-others" and "I've- sinned-less-than-others-so-I-deserve-to-be-helped-more", or that "I-am-a-loyal- follower-I'm- holier-than-others" attitude. Dealing with humans who display their baser animals instincts, full-blown, the primitive fight or flight response, the full panic mode. And it leaves us Guardian Angels thinking: These humans breed??? They create more whiners?

Face it. These people are not that easy to listen to, let alone live with. These people just drag you down. Then you have the meek ones, the ones who are f'in helpless they can't even help themselves.

You would think that humans would take responsibility for their own problems, and not always rely on Guardian Angels. But you selfish humans expect us Guardian Angels to get you out of the messes you are in.

We don't get paid. No vacations, no breaks from the whining. It's enough to make us snap. We can't keep up. It's exhausting listening to you humans. What you all don't understand is that there is a damn queue of prayer requests. Pushy, demanding, annoying requests. An entire life story of troubles.

It's enough to make us realize that 90% of the human population seriously needs medication. We want to say no to helping you. We want out. But we're stuck with you....for now. So the best thing to do is to work behind God's back and get rid of you...make it look like an that way, we finally get a break.

So many, many of you to kill. That's it....keep praying.

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