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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Your Wasted Life


Copyright Lia Scott Price

Your Wasted Life

Every weekend, you hang out with the guys at your boring family barbecues. You talk about work, about cars, about sports, and not much else. You purchase your toys and show them off to the boys. Then, after they are gone, you obediently follow your nagging wife's orders. What's the point? After you work your ass off for her, you basically get nothing in return. You, in your 30's, are nothing but a provider for your wife.

She simply sees you as the money machine.

You are under scrutiny daily from your wife, your in-laws, and your own parents. One little failure in living up to any expectation, from not getting the right kind of bread at the grocery store to anything your bratty little wife comes up with is grounds for a major tantrum. Then here come your in-laws, mad as hell that you disappointed their little princess---yet again.

Was it all worth it? This life of yours? You will never get a chance to live out your own dreams.

You are now a slave to the overly-demanding family you married into. They tell you the house isn't big enough. The car isn't fancy enough. You don;t make enough money at your job. Every day, it's always a demand that you work much harder to provide their brat with bigger and better things. And if you don't, then you're embarrassing the family.

And your wife--of course she won't let you do anything else, despite how hard you work. You will never get her permission to go to bars, to a night out with the boys, or pursue your own hobbies. She keeps you on the old ball and chain.

Your resentment has been growing. And in your despair, you called for me.

I, as your guardian angel, came to you with a solution.

You take that chain of yours and wrap it around that spoiled neck of that wife of yours. Then you take the ball, or axe, or hammer--whatever is hand---and smash in that skull of hers.

A few more whacks, and you are free.

But not for long.

Enjoy your first taste of freedom in several years since you married the brat. Because it doesn't last long as I grab your own neck and slice it open. Then I drink from it, as you gasp your last breath.

Isn't freedom sweet?

And that is what I really do as a guardian angel. I inspire rage and homicides, and even suicides, among those who call to me. i am the ultimate answer to your prayers. And I am also a vampire.

Your despair helps me find you, and your blood feeds me.

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